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Improving policy making through thematic areas

One of the principal objectives of the Institute of Law and Public Policy (ILPA) is to help improve policy-making processes and, concomitantly, the quality of policy by creating a free and healthy market of ideas from the perspective of law, governance and development.

ILPA Stakeholders

  • Political parties

  • Key governments agencies 

  • The National Development Planning Commission 

  • Ghana’s bilateral community

  • National, sub-regional, regional and international non-governmental organizations

  • Academia and 

  • Individuals

Thematic Areas

One of ILPA’s principal objectives is to help improve public policy making processes in emerging democracies. This entails the creation of a free and healthy market of ideas. Flowing from this is our belief that progress - whether economic, social, political, or cultural - is not sustainable if it is not hinged on strong democratic credentials. Because of this belief, we have focused our activities on the following areas of operation:

  • Human rights

  • Law,

  • Democracy,

  • Governance,

  • Development.

We channel our resources into improving the public’s understanding, acceptance and commitment to the democratic process. Consequently, we focus our resources on the following activities:

  • Research, 

  • Education, training and capacity-building,

  • Dialogue,

  • Strategic public interest litigation,

  • Legislative review, and

  • Socio-political activism.

To be able to deliver our vision, we partner with a wide range of persons and organisations and other stakeholders, including the follow:

  • Political parties,

  • Key government agencies,

  • Ghana’s bilateral community,

  • NGOs,

  • Academia, and

  • Traditional and religious authorities.

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